Join us for your favourite class from the comfort and convenience of your home! Purchase your Livestream class passes HERE, then REGISTER for the Livestream class of your choice (at least 15 minutes prior to start of class). You’ll be sent a zoom link 10 minutes prior to class. See you soon!


For Livestream Fitness classes, you’ll need a clear space to move, 2 or 3 pair of free weights (women: 2 x 5#, 2 x 8#, 2 x 12# and men: 2 x 10#, 2 x 15#, 2 x 20#), a theraband, yoga mat and belt, towel and water. You can wear running shoes or bare feet.


with Sandy

Mondays, 5:45 – 6:30pm

injury free.
Cross train to improve your functional strength, adding power to your sport!
In this online class format, we work with free weights, body weight, bands and more to strengthen your legs, your core, your cardio. Single sided strength training is key to staying injury free, as is strengthening your stabilizers and core, and focusing on alignment and good form. Expect a progressive, challenging routine every week, and finish with strategic stretching and yoga.
Cost: Livestream Class Pass

I’ve been cross training twice a week for the past 2 months, and just took 7 min, 20 sec off my Half Marathon PB with a 1:50 finish! ” Susan

Movement for stiff bodies


with Sandy

Wednesdays, 5:45 – 6:30pm

Move with ease, balance strength and mobility

If you’re spending more time sitting at your desk these days and are experiencing sore muscles and achy joints, you know you need to move more! Reclaim your ability to move with ease, finding the balance between strength and mobility This new class format is a full-on experience with dynamic warm-ups, focused strength training, strategic flexibility training and a few minutes of calming breath work at the end. Establish stability with form and alignment as the foundation upon which to build your strength and fluid movement. One action packed hour, mid-way through the week to break the cycle of sitting. Shake off your stress, become more grounded and optimistic, and sleep like a baby! Cost: Livestream Class Pass

Mindful Fitness for aging well

Mindful Fitness for aging well

with Sandy

Friday, 10:30 – 11:30am

Mindful exercise to build muscle & maintain bone density

As we age, we know we need to work even harder at building muscle mass and maintaining bone density. If you’re looking for a fitness class that’s designed around good form, safety, moderate progressions and fun, this is for you! Our class format ensures direction on postural form and the correct mechanics of the exercises to protect the joints. Modifications are provided for any injury or compensation needed. Finish with 20 minutes of stretching and yoga. Cost: Livestream Class Pass

Sandy’s leadership encourages me to work safely, and see what I can do to become strong again. It’s wonderful to exercise here!” Barbara

Cross Train Women

with Sandy
Thursday, 12noon – 1:00pm

Build your strength with like-minded women

Whether you’re coming to fitness to cross-train for a specific sport (like running, cycling, tennis, soccer, weight lifting, swimming or other) or training to balance out your days of sitting at a desk, this is for you!

Build your strength with like-minded women

In this hour-long class, you’ll have an appropriate warmup, about 40 minutes of exercise and 15 – 20 minutes of flexibility training to begin the recovery process. We work with free weights, bands, body weight, sometimes using a strap, a chair or the wall. You’ll find each session takes a different approach, whether mini-circuits, super sets, HIIT (such as tabata or other timing protocols), giant sets and more! Not only will this build your strength, spike your metabolism (= burning fat longer), and give you energy: it also helps to prevent osteoporosis (degeneration of bone density) which affects 1 in 4 Canadian women.

Cost: Livestream Class Pass

No two classes are the same, I love that! As a woman, it’s so empowering to lift weights, and, to see the changes in my body” Angie

Early Bird FIT – 4 week series

with Sandy
Nov 5 – 26
Fridays, 7:00 – 7:45am

4-Week Series Livestream

It’s back . . . Friday morning ‘bright & shine’!

Have the best of both worlds: get your fitness in before you start your work day, AND roll out of bed for 7am with this Livestream class series!

We’ll work on getting the max out of our 45 minutes together: 5 – 7 min thorough warm up; 30 minutes of intense focus (HIIT, doubling up, cardio and strength); and 5 – 7 minutes of warm down and stretch.

Variety, focus, challenge . . . and a big smile at the end!

Build your strength, spike your metabolism, fix imbalances, push your endurance and lots of variety and challenges! Get your workout area primed and ready with free weights, bands, kettlebells if you have them, mat, water & towel. This class will start and end on time to help you get at your day. (There will be no carry overs if you miss a class, however we can apply it to another weekly Livestream before Oct 8.)

Cost: 4-Week Series: $60 + hst, Drop-in: $17.50 + hst

Personal Training with Sandy

Personal Training

with Sandy Private Schedule

Personal Training

with Sandy Private Schedule

Personal Training

with Sandy Private Schedule

Personal Training

with Sandy Private Schedule

Personal Training Means Results

Our emphasis at Fit Journey is on excellent form, programming and progressions appropriate to challenge an individual safely and at their level, ensuring training results and an enjoyable experience. Whether you’re a long distance runner or cyclist looking to push your PB, or someone who’s never enjoyed the gym yet knows you need to exercise, or if you’re working around an injury or illness: personal training will reap the greatest rewards with thorough assessment, customized programming, and regular benchmark checks. Conversations around personal nutrition, self care and accountability also benefit each individual. Variety is the spice of life! We utilize a broad range of equipment (including TRX, kettlebells, free weights, BOSU, balls & body weight) as well as many training methodologies (functional strength, HIIT, heart rate zones, pyramid sets, etc).

I’m a long-standing client of Sandy’s and am delighted with the results. I have better balance, endurance, strength and agility. Thanks Sandy, you give me that extra bit of motivation to keep moving, especially important as I age.” Carol


Welcome to an 8-week online version of Cross Train Runners, training within the comfort of your own home, and at your own schedule. This program includes 8 unique and challenging workouts, 8 coaching videos on topics such as The Mental Game, Periodization, Nutrition, etc, and a free 15 min Coaching Session with Sandy. Get to race day strong, at your peak, and injury free! Cost: $89 + hst


All of our Livestream Yoga classes are wonderful for those new to the mat, as well as for experienced yogi’s as we come with a Beginner’s Mind! Please have your mat, 1 or 2 yoga blocks, yoga belt, and blanket ready in a quiet space where you won’t be distracted.

Hatha Yoga Childs pose

Hatha Yoga

with Sandy

Tuesdays, 9:00 – 10:00am
ON SUMMER HIATUS June 30 – Sept 5

Create Strength, Balance and Become Grounded

Hatha yoga is the ‘original’ yoga practice from which many other styles have expanded. We sequence the fundamental postures (asana) with the breath in a flowing manner, as well as breathing practices (pranayama), mudra, mantra, mindfulness, and meditation to tame and calm the mind and heart. Each class has a specific theme, usually with a benchmark posture and pranayama to bookend the experience, and finishes with a generous Savasana to integrate and encourage healing.

Cost: Livestream Class Pass

This is my neighbourhood oasis! I know I’ll be challenged and stretched (more than just physically), and feel wonderful every time. It feels like each practice is just for me!” Robyn

Gentle Yoga

with Sandy

Thursdays, 10:30 – 11:30am
ON SUMMER HIATUS June 30 – Sept 5

Gently improve flexibility, calm your mind and relax

If you like the sound of yoga’s benefits (flexibility, strength, joint ease, stress-release and relaxation) but don’t know where to start, this is the class for you! This gentle, well-instructed practice has modifications for every level and compensation. You’ll practice the basic postures & sequences, breathing techniques, short meditations and find yourself relaxed and refreshed when done!

Cost: Livestream Class Pass

I’ve tried yoga for years with little success. Then I found Fit Journey . . . making Yoga accessible to all levels. I’m home!” Barbara

Yoga for Runners

with Sandy

Saturdays, 10:15 – 11:00
ON SUMMER HIATUS June 30 – Sept 5

Yoga can put the sprint back in your run!

No matter where you are in the training cycle (runners, cyclists, tennis, hockey . . .), incorporating yoga will help! Special focus on releasing tight hips, lengthening sore hamstrings/calves/lower back; strengthening stabilizers and core; balancing differences from side to side. Work mindfully to release your tight bits, expect to sweat a bit and give yourself the gift of Savasana (integrated rest) at the end! Considered by many endurance athletes to be injury prevention & cross training combined.

Cost: Livestream Class Pass

I always feel every pose and sequence is just right for my body – just what I need. I’m positive I made it thru my first Half Marathon training, injury free, because of Sandy’s classes and guidance.” Shlo

Yoga for Stiff Bodies

Yoga for Stiff Bodies

with Sandy
Tuesdays, 6:00 – 6:45pm


Some say they can’t practice yoga because they’re inflexible. Hmm, that’s a little like saying you don’t need a shower because you’re dirty! If you have a chronically tight body, or are recovering from an injury, or are dealing with stress and anxiety . . . this practice is for you! We work from exactly where you are, whether new to yoga or experienced. Wear comfortable clothes and get ready to move more freely in a Vinyasa style (moving with the breath).

COST: Livestream Class Pass

Yin/Restorative Yoga

with Denise
Tuesdays, 7:30 – 8:30pm

Some call this dessert! Delicious Yin & Restore

Combine the quiet yet powerful practice of Yin Yoga with the healing, relaxing practice of Restorative Yoga for a delicious, centering result. Yin poses focus on the connective tissues and muscles of the legs, hips, back, chest & shoulders. Restorative poses are fully supported with soft props. Denise gently guides you to further open the energy lines to encourage release and healing. This practice is especially beneficial for those with tight muscles and joints, or who are experiencing anxiety or fatigue, or who simply need to step away from the intensity of life. Cost: Livestream Class Pass

This is dessert for me! After caring for everyone else in my day, I can come and attend to my needs, love the deep holds of Yin and crave the wonderful relaxation of Restorative.”  Leslie



Wednesday, April 1 only Join Beatrix for video pilates class: a postural re-set, a 20 minute beginner or a 20 minute intermediate class  Cost: FREE!

Beatrix’ 8-minute Pilates Postural Re-Set

Beatrix Nagy Wednesday, April 1, 12noon

Get your mind connected to your body with this 8-minute postural re-set video, also used as a warm-up before any class, or as a break when sitting in front of your computer for too long… If you have a foam roller, you can do all the supine (lying on your back) exercises while lying on it like a hot-dog!  Cost: FREE!

Beatrix’ Beginner Mat Pilates

Beatrix Nagy Wednesday, April 1, 12noon

Take time to build your practice with this beginner mat workout by Beatrix. She continues training you, from her foundations/introduction to Pilates course with a class that focuses on creating relationships within the body that one can carry over to the intermediate mat work. She takes basic exercises and finds connections with them so you can start to see the full system. Cost: FREE!

Beatrix’ 30 Minute Intermediate Mat Pilates

Beatrix Nagy Wednesday, April 1, 12noon

Beatrix teaches a Mat workout that emphasizes arm work by using light hand weights. She starts with supine arm exercises and continues with mat exercises incorporating the weights. This class is great for those who want to add variety to their Mat routine, as well as extra arm and abdominal resistance into their workout. Cost: FREE!

© 2021 Fit Journey • Sandy LeBlanc